An event that occurred while we were in Kacungwa has touched so many people in ways that only God can know. That was the young girl who died of Malaria. This singular event has been recorded in our mission team's blog, the DueUnto Medical Team's blog and a blog on the ThrowingStarfish site. All of us witnessed this tragic death unfold from our own perspective, and grieved in our own way. It has also changed many hearts and lives.
As you know, when Debbie & I left Canby , we weren't quite sure what lay ahead for us (we still don't actually). Through a "coincidence", I met a medical student from Gulu University in Northern Uganda. Over the past few months, a vision was born to begin a medical ministry that will be known as Quality Health for All. The students in Gulu have been inspired to give back using their medical knowledge to the people of Uganda and respond to their calling from God. The leader of the QHFA team, Obura James Ochidi, was featured in a testimony on this site a few months ago.
The QHFA Team from Gulu University |
After learning of our time in Kacungwa and the death of this young girl, Obura wanted to lead a medical mission to Kacungwa to provide medical care for the children and others in need in the village. The work would include providing medical care, but also spending time educating those in the village about disease, the need for clean water, sanitation and many other topics.
As we pursued the opportunity to conduct this clinic, we learned that the cost would be very high and there was not enough money to get the students there, house and feed them and pay for all of the medicines and medical supplies that would be needed. We were somewhat discouraged, but the team there had a strong desire to go to Kacungwa and has been praying about the means to go there.
This morning, I learned that Obura had been pressed by his team to contact ARM's Renewal Health Network headquarters and ask once again about the possibility of performing this clinic. THIS IS THE BIG NEWS: Obura was referred to Yoram, the project director at Kacungwa, and Yoram agreed to fund the medical clinic and house the students. The medical clinic will happen in January, 2013 during the students' break from classes!!!
The only financial need that was not yet handled, were the funds for for the students to travel to Kacungwa from Gulu. After contacting the church office, we learned that there were undesignated funds that were to go to ARM and the funds were enough to cover all travel expenses for the team! Again, God answered our prayers before we even knew the need.
The heart of so many of us has been to find some way to help prevent another tragedy like the one that took the life of this young girl. We are seeing, in miraculous ways, God working circumstances and people from around the world to answer our prayers. It brings a flood of tears when I consider all that God has done to bring this about and the way He has heard the desires of our hearts.
In addition to this short-term clinic, God is also using us to help provide a permanent clinic in Kacungwa to care for the children and the people in the village. Who could have known the great things God had planned and how He would choose to use us in this great work. It is truly humbling to be involved in God's great work.
The motto for the QHFA team is: "Educate, Treat and Love". That is just what they will have the opportunity to do in the small village of Kacungwa that none of those students had ever heard of before - but by God's grace and working "all things together for good" God has answered our prayers in a mighty way. Please pray for this team and the success of their work in Kacungwa. But most of all, give glory to God for His love, grace and mercy. Amen
Mukama Awebwe Ekitibwa (To God be the Glory)
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