Thursday, March 22, 2012

Face to Face Encounters - by Renee McClaugherty

“This is a gift to show you God’s Love.”  I said this as I showed the young mother a bed net to prevent her children from being bitten by mosquitos carrying malaria.    It’s rare to see the people in Uganda cry.  Maybe that’s because they’ve had so much experience dealing with hardships and tragedies in their lives.  But, I saw the tears stream down her cheek, out of appreciation for the gift that could save her children’s lives.  She hugged me and after we demonstrated how to use the mosquito net I prayed with her.  I walked along the red dirt road with my Uganda friends to distribute more nets which our church had donated.  I was warmly greeted and hugged by each person.   Each family was grateful for the gift.  And I was grateful for the privilege to pray with each family and to bring hope and share the love of Jesus.

Everyday we were in Kachungwa women came up to me and hugged me. I wish you could have seen the love in their eyes and and joy on their faces.   Most of the women there never had the opportunity to go to school, and most can’t read or write or speak English.  But now they have hope for the future; they are grateful for the educational opportunities given their children and grandchildren through child sponsorship. Their prayers are being answered. 

The lyrics from Hillsong’s “Hosanna” are powerful, and we pray these words as we sing the song: 
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks yours...

Being in Uganda, even for a short time has opened my eyes to how the poor live.  Not only do we live on opposite sides of the planet, but the living conditions are also worlds apart.  And although I can’t really comprehend what it’s like to live in complete poverty, I have experienced God changing my heart and the way I think.  I love the people of Uganda and I can’t get them off my mind.  My heart longs for them.  Tears come easily.  I’m overwhelmed by their circumstances and living conditions, and lack of resources.  But I’m also overwhelmed by their faith, generosity, and joy in the Lord.  Their gratefulness and kindness is humbling. 

I miss their smiles and hugs.  I especially miss the children...  Do you know that the children in Kachungwa know their sponsor’s names.... and they love their sponsors and pray for them.  I received many hugs and words of thanksgiving that were meant for those of you who are sponsoring children.   The first day we arrived I was approached by a father whose daughter is sponsored by a family in our church.   The sponsors had sent $15 cash that I brought to the ARM office for the child and her family.  By the time we arrived in Kachungwa the family had already received the money in Uganda shillings.  The father found me to thank me and the sponsors.  He kept holding my hand and shaking it and telling me how grateful he was.  I wish you could have seen his face, and the sweet, smiling face of his daughter. 

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11

One of the big blessings of our trip for me was to be able to spend time with my sponsored child Amelia.  I think of her as my Ugandan granddaughter. I love her so much. It was with tears streaming down my face that I greeted her when I first saw her again.  (I met her on my first trip to Uganda in 2010).  I couldn’t hug her enough - I knew our time together would be short and I may not see her again for several years.  I wanted to scoop Amelia up and bring her home with me.  I know I can’t do this because we are not allowed to take children home with us, and her family would miss her.  But my desire is to protect her from the poverty and harsh living conditions.  But, I know that God has a special plan for Amelia.  It’s not my plan.  It’s His plan.  We are a part of the plan.  By sponsoring children we are helping to change their lives.   God is giving them a hope and a future. 

Let us not grow weary in doing we have opportunity let us do good to everyone...especially those who are of the household of faith.  Galatians 6:9-10 

I feel like I must do more.  I feel like I can’t do enough.  And on my own I can’t.
But God...
God is changing our hearts. He’s changing my heart.  He’s changing how I think.  It’s in His power that things can change. We just need to let Him use us.

  “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?  When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?  When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’  Matthew 25:37-40

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